Tumbling vibration

mass or vibratory finishing -  process in which there is relative motion detail and tumbling tel due to the chaotic mixing tumbling tel throughout the volume of vibration.

mass or vibratory finishing includes dryer, who is set on the springy basis, motor sheave. Action vibratory tumbling based on the use of system of cargo-Cam, which is initially configured on the amplitude and intensity of fluctuations. By changing the position of cargo clowning you can get smooth adjustment of the amplitude and intensity of fluctuations depending on the type of the processed material and the type of tumbling tel. The correct mode of vibration leads to the fact that the products body, water and compound move on the toroidal surface.

vibratory tumbling are used for a wide range of operations finishing, including grinding of workpieces, waste removal, fillet sharp edges, polishing. A distinctive feature of vibratory tumbling is that they can handle the products of both small and large size and weight. 

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