Determination of the type of wire technical specifications


Technical brushes Lessmann confidently take their niche in the market of professional tool. The secret of success lies in the continuous improvement of quality and properties of the products together with the consumers. A special place in the range of wiper brushes is paid to the instruments for cleaning of stainless steel products..

Brushes for processing stainless steel have the characteristic color of the corps in the green. With the exception of models, where all the components are made of stainless steel and are not only wire. The brushes on stainless steel is used wire of stainless steel grade 1.4301 and 1.4310. This stainless steel austenitic group.. The wire is not магнитящаяся, but намагничиваются in the process of cold processing, first of all in the process of drawing the wire.

Common test with the use of a magnet is not able to determine whether a wire нержавейкой or not. Instead it shall apply two tests, too, with the help of improvised means: annealing and the fragility of.. Magnetization occurs by appearance during the cold processing elements Nickel-martensitic structure. Any of these tests we destroy these elements. More details in the section basic substantiating the moments..

Methods of determining the stainless steel brushes


The brush cut a piece of wire and is heated with the help of lighters. Quickly cooled by air (to do this you need to blow on the wire). If magnetism disappeared or decreased significantly, this stainless steel.. If magnetism practically did not change, then it's a black steel.


If the wire is large enough in diameter, the cooling air may not be enough. More reliably after the splitting of a sharp cooling water.. If in which suffered processing place in bending wire break in two, then it's a black steel (unless of course was used steel necessary for brushes quality with not less than 0.3% of carbon). If processed in place do not break in two at once, and Vice versa has become noticeably softer than not burned, then it is definitely a stainless steel.

the Company Lessmann can make any brush of practically  немагнитящейся stainless steel 1.4401. Only it is soft, the effectiveness of the Stripping and resistance brushes significantly lower, although the brush becomes more expensive

Strongly recommend that you pay attention on the nuances of the work of the brush, not to cause surface corrosion..

" make sure that the brush is not processed until this black metals – the wire may gather themselves to the particles of the processed black metal and RUB them into the surface of the stainless steel

- do not work in rooms, where at the same time smooth black metals – settling dust ferrous metals can be втерта in the surface of the stainless steel

- do not use too hard brushes, might scratch, and thus create the preconditions for the crevice corrosion after processing abrasives

- do not apply too much pressure, it is not the operation of the cut, the effect is achieved at the expense of speed. Lack of speed it is impossible to compensate for the clamping force

- do not overheat, it is generally better to work with cooling. Overheating leads to a loss of chromium, the replacement of the austenitic structure at ферритную

after the end of the processing walk brush processed places barely touching the surface with the purpose of polishing..


the Fundamental supporting points

Нержавеющее steel – these are materials, which resist the destruction of the surface corrosion. Depending on chemical composition, they are steady against occurrence of rust, and resistant against acids.. To steel is corrosion-resistant, in the composition must be at least 12% chromium, and the quantity of chromium up to 14% of the surface must be smooth. Only when a larger proportion of chromium resistant against corrosion can be and rough surface..

To improve the mechanical properties of corrosion resistant steels add other metals such as Nickel, molybdenum, copper, titanium and ниоб. These components allow you to save the austenitic structure at room temperature. Such a structure in the black steel exists only during melting.

in Addition to chromium is essential Nickel.. Nickel not only adds resistance to corrosion, but also provides in cooperation with chromium resistance to acids. But the main merit of Nickel in the creation of the austenitic structure, thanks to which the chromium-Nickel steels are distinguished by their excellent viscosity.


is Used in the wire in the table..


Atomic structure normal ferritic steel cubic volume-centered. At each edge of the cube is the atom and another in the center of the cube, for a total of nine atoms. When heated structure changes on the cube гранецентрированную. On each side of the cube appears atom instead of the atom in the center of the cube. Total 14 atoms in each Cuba..

If you add to the corrosion-resistant chrome Nickel steel, there is a stable austenitic structure, the persistence and at room temperature, thereby arises resistance to acids. Important a minimum of 18% chromium and 8% Nickel. Austenitic structure provides the tensile strength of 500 – 700 N/mm² .. Drawing wire, it increased by processing the cold deformation up to 2400 N/mm². The relative elongation at break is reduced by 30-40%

stainless steels is essentially немагнитящиеся. But if they were treated with cold deformation, in particular stretch in the wire – there is магнитность.. This магнитность is caused by the appearance of Nickel-martensite. This saves a cubic гранецентрированная structure. Martensite a very solid structure. Burn stainless wire – the Nickel-martensite and respectively disappears магнитность. But the wire becomes soft and thus unsuitable for brushes.. Nickel-martensite does not render on the corrosion resistance of no effect. But it was noted that the more in stainless steel carbon, the more магнитность, as more of Nickel-martensite becomes possible. You can compare 1.4301 and 1.4310. Stainless steel 1.4310 more magnetic than 1.4301, although the number of chromium and Nickel practically meet. 1.4410 is 0.12% of carbon, and 1.4301 only 0.05%.. There are stainless steel, which are completely немагнитятся even after the cold deformation (pulling the wire), because their chemical composition of any martensite build may not.. But they are so soft that are not suitable for use in wiper brushes – delays sanded and glide over the surface is not providing the desired impact on the workpiece. I.e. the wire with very low tensile strength.


This information was provided by the technical center of the company Lessmann.


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